在文藝之城---本都,新冒起的青年作曲家 Felix,因為意外令視覺與聽覺連結起來,看到聲音、聽見顏色竟然成為他音樂生涯的一大危機。一個拿著貝多芬鎖匙扣,但對音樂一竅不通的電台實習生多琳,會為 Felix 帶來轉機嗎?
“Bite the sound!” Podcast Drama Research and Experimental Project
Presented by: Drips Creation
Produced by: Drips Creation
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/iDJrxetxrug?list=PLgyznbDPiJb3hXeoq2YFcESrGVq_sptIu
Synopsis: To research, explore and experiment on possibilities of contemporary audio drama. Activate audience’s imagination beyond prevalent entertainments, reconnecting people who have been distant during the pandemic. The project calls for stories and produces podcast dramas, and provides the free dubbing course and practice opportunities for local theatre practitioners.
Series: “Bite the sound!” Podcast Drama Research and Experimental Project
Art Form: Drama