








蒙滿第一美人大玉兒與大金十四貝勒多爾袞敖包相會,一見鍾情。惜大金可汗努爾哈赤駕崩,多爾袞同父異母兄弟皇太極為奪汗位,逼多爾袞母親殉葬。玉兒復聞多爾袞出征死訊,終嫁皇太極作汗妃。大婚之日,多爾袞帶傷出席,玉兒看穿皇太極不念親情,遂夜訪舊愛多爾袞,斷髮密誓明志。臣子范文程向皇太極獻計令明臣袁崇煥蒙冤喪命,明朝失錦州,多爾袞勇戰奪「傳國玉璽」歸旋,卻遭皇太極之子豪格向其父皇誣告藏寶謀反,幸得玉兒及時通報獻璽,化解危機。皇太極猝逝,眾貝勒欲奪取大汗之位,為解豪格與多爾袞之爭,皇太極之兄代善勸皇后哲哲讓玉兒五歲子福臨繼位。多爾袞一為愛玉兒,二為創千秋基業,匡扶福臨登位為大清首位皇帝 — 順治,玉兒這孝莊皇后應驗當年草原喇嘛批命,但與多爾袞之愛情經歷重重磨鍊,山盟海誓,真愛長存。








Performance of Cantonese Opera Excerpts
The Secret Pledge from Empress Xiaozhuang

Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera Troupe
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/raMTYohGmvA

Synopsis: Da Yu’er is dubbed ‘the number one beauty’ among the Mongolians and Jurchens. She meets Dorgon, the fourteenth son of Khan Nurhaci, on the mound. It is love at first sight for both, but it is a love that is not to be. Dorgon’s half-brother, Hong Taiji, aims to take the throne of the khanate on the death of their father. He forces the Royal Concubine – Dorgon’s mother – to be buried with Nurhaci’s remains. Then Yu’er is told that Dorgon has died on an expedition. So she marries Hong Taiji as one of his many wives. On their wedding day, Dorgon returns, and is obviously injured. Now Yu’er sees through Hong Taiji as a cold and heartless man who has no love for his family. She visits Dorgon at night, and gives him a cut strand of her hair as a pledge of her love. On the political front, courtier Fan Wencheng proposes a scheme to Hong Taiji that frames Yuan Chonghuan, a General of the Ming court, resulting in Yuan’s death. As a result, the Ming regime loses Jinzhou to the Jins. Dorgon wins in the battle against the Ming army and seizes the imperial jade seal, which he brings back as he returns victorious to Hong Taiji’s court. Unfortunately, Hooge, Hong Taiji’s son, lies to his father that Dorgon is harbouring treacherous plans to seize the khanate and the seal is proof. Yu’er presents the jade seal just in time to clear Dorgon of his charge. Another crisis is overcome. On Hong Taiji’s sudden death, all the princes fight to be the new khan, with Dorgon and Hooge being the fiercest contenders. Daisan, Hong Taiji’s brother, proposes to Empress Jerjer to resolve the situation by putting Yu’er’s five-year-old son, Fulin, on the throne. Out of love for Yu’er and for the future of the Jin line, Dorgon helps Fulin to ascend the throne as the first emperor of Qing, while he himself becomes the regent. Yu’er becomes Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, mother of Emperor Shunzhi. The life story of Yu’er seems to follow the fortune as told by the lama monk she met on the grassland when she was very young. As for her love with Dorgon, the two have faced many vicissitudes along the way, but their feelings have remained true always.

Series: Performance of Cantonese Opera Excerpts
Scheme/ Festival: Click for Arts
Art Form: Xiqu

Cast: Christie Wing-sum To, Wang Kit-ching