《舞影 · 冒蹤》以「舞蹈與攝影」為主題,一連4集的節目內容將帶領觀眾探索兩者的神秘角落…… 究竟舞蹈的視覺是如何轉化為攝影的鏡頭?而相機的鏡頭又如何幻化為創作的靈感?
第4集《咔嚓~ 影擂台》
Into The Choreo- / Photo- graphy
Episode 4
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Terry Tsang
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/9zYTpKKv0kI
Synopsis: With theme of choreography and photography, the 4-episode programme Into the Choreo-/Photo-graphy by Terry Tsang explores the mysterious corners of both artistic genres: how do dance visuals influence the moment of camera captures? And how do the camera captures inspire the choreographic creations?
Episode 4
A dialogue with veterans of choreographer and stage photographer, sharing each one’s artistic preferences, and an exchange of ideas, capturing the actual scenario of themed photo-shooting.
Series: Into The Choreo- / Photo- graphy
Scheme/ Festival: Click for Arts
Art Form: Dance
Concept & Performance: Terry Tsang
Guests: Cheung Chi-wai, Yuri Ng, Alice Fallen
Performance: Sarah Xiao