有冇試過一班人夜晚偷偷哋鼠入自己學校探險呢?明明諗住玩下,點知愈玩愈驚,仲⋯⋯ 從此一個屬於某間學校嘅鬼故就誕生咗啦!仲代代相傳!《我和TS有個約會》係一齣發生喺TS CREW同埋大埔藝術中心嘅「驚慄」微電影;最後原來係得啖笑,定真係「有啲嘢」?就無人知啦。但係大埔藝術中心會唔會從此多咗個傳說呢?
I have a Date with TS
Presented by: Working Group on Signature Projects of Tai Po District, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: TS Crew
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/jL2sgP3yAi8
Synopsis: Have you ever sneaked into your school during midnight for a chilling adventure? Originally, it was just for fun; however, more and more strange things happened and……Finally, a haunted school story started and has circulated among generations! I Have a Date with TS is a horror microcinema made by TS CREW in their studio as well as the Tai Po Arts Centre, no one knows whether it turns to a comedy or something “horrible”. Would this become a new urban legend of Tai Po Arts Centre?
Scheme/ Festival: Tai Po Youth Arts Festival 2021
Art Form: Dance