1. 王廣宇《來自海》:長笛獨奏曲《來自海》為一系列依循十二音序列而作的變奏。調性的游動、速度的快慢、旋律的伸縮,如同海的萬千變幻。
2. 陸尉俊《搖滾琵琶 - FIGHT》:新型冠狀病毒肆虐全球,病毒「十面埋伏」,使眾人都生活在惶恐之中。
3. 楊凱晴《鎖清秋》:曲名來自詞人李煜的《相見歡》,詞中卻未能尋着半點「歡」。
Decoding Creativity: Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation
Appreciation Workshop I
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/vrsTE1f5h1E
Synopsis: Moderated by Drs. Joshua Chan, Lo Hau-man and Ho Sung-chi, the project features 17 original compositions in 6 appreciation workshops streamed online. Each workshop will present new chamber works written for specific combination of instruments, which represent the composers’ creative response to life under the pandemic.
1. From the Sea by Wong Kong-yu: This is a set of variations based on a twelve-tone row. The tonality drifts between diatonic and chromatic, the pace increases and decreases like tides and the melodic phrases lengthen and shorten as waves.
2. Rock Pipa – FIGHT by Luk Wai-chun: COVID-19 is raging around the world and the virus ambushes on all sides, making everyone live in panic.
3. Barred Autumn by Yeung Hoi-ching, Alice: The title came from A Joyful Rendezvous by Chinese poet Yu Li. Yet, there is not any ‘joy’ that could be found in the poet.
Series: Decoding Creativity: Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation
Scheme/ Festival: Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme
Art Form: Music
Performers: Angus Lee (Flute), Mavis Lam (Pipa)