1. 陳雅雯 《寒木》:在寒冬中,縱然百花凋零,仍有樹木耐寒不凋,默默站著。也許不需要特別去激勵身邊的花草樹木,寒木只是 站著,繼續生存,活好自己。
2. 鄭靖楠 《心悸.心季》:《心悸.心季》是一首利用兩件富有特別音色的樂器(二胡和古箏)去描述我們在疫情底下的兩種「心之現象」。
3. 彭珺 《碧落秋風吹玉樹》:作曲家借題寄寓,希望香港人仍能保持著堅毅不屈的精神,如玉樹在秋風中依舊秀麗,為疫情過後的美好而憧憬。
Decoding Creativity: Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation
Appreciation Workshop V
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/OL9c6Hwn6cA
Synopsis: Moderated by Drs. Joshua Chan, Lo Hau-man and Ho Sung-chi, the project features 17 original compositions in 6 appreciation workshops streamed online. Each workshop will present new chamber works written for specific combination of instruments, which represent the composers’ creative response to life under the pandemic.
1. Stand in the Cold by Chan Nga-man: In the cold winter, flowers and leaves have fallen, but there are still trees standing in the cold, living in their own way.
2. Palpitations – Season of the Heart by Hippocrates Cheng: Employing the idiosyncratic timbre of Erhu and Guzheng, Palpitations – Season of the Heart depicts our two contrasting sentiments under the pandemic.
3. A Tree of Jade Standing in the Autumn Wind by Pang Kwan: Despite the physical distancing, the composer hopes we can all stay strong and positive amid the pandemic, and to remain hopeful in such difficult times.
Series: Decoding Creativity: Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation
Scheme/ Festival: Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme
Art Form: Music
Performers: Mak Ka-yin (Erhu), Chan Tin-chi, Jenny (Guzheng)