「未來的傳統——數碼時代的粵樂薪傳」探討當代粵樂的創作空間,喚起大眾對粵樂薪火相傳的重視。 粵樂發展與每個時代都是互相扣連,不同時代都有其獨特的風格,呼應著時代的轉變。計劃內容包括舉行示範講座、創作發表會、線上音樂會、音樂電影——影片及相片徵集等,把香港作曲家當代粵樂作品於數碼平台推展,以「植根傳統」的理念來建構「未來的傳統」 。
Everlasting Cantonese Music: Inheriting in the Digital Age
Online Concert 5
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/T5H-KE7GnWU
Synopsis: Bringing together various scholars, composers of Cantonese music, the Windpipe Ensemble hopes to promote contemporary Cantonese music compositions, as well as the education of Cantonese music through an array of initiatives, including demonstration workshops, composition showcase, online concerts and education resources, as well as the making of music movies.
Series: Everlasting Cantonese Music: Inheriting in the Digital Age
Scheme/ Festival: Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme
Art Form: Music