首席指揮: 彼得.廸克斯卓
演員: 阿贊.埃德芬
木笛: 艾力克.波斯葛拉夫
電子音樂: 喬里特.坦明葛
導演: 提圖斯.提爾.格蘭尼斯迪治
故事創作: 提多.韋沙
文本: 史賓偉士
女高音(荷蘭室內合唱團): 安內特.蘭斯、莫尼卡.蒙泰羅、艾爾瑪.迪卡、伯達妮.舒菲德
女中音(荷蘭室內合唱團): 伊爾莎白.格里森、瑪蓮.戈斯坦、多蓮.李維斯、阿莎.奧臣
男高音(荷蘭室內合唱團): 史提芬.貝格哈默、威廉.奈特、安德烈.告魯士、馬提斯.荷根蒂克
男低音(荷蘭室內合唱團): 雅斯培.舒偉柏、安德魯.荷柏、科里安.朱斯特、漢斯.韋耶斯
鳴謝: 海蓮.高爾、瑪莉塔.卡詩芝達、安格斯.麥菲、基斯.贊.迪.高寧、吉拉德.尼沙爾
聲樂指導: 賓尼.齊拉格
技術監製: 傑慈可.維揚德
監製: 伊蓮.蘭格月、安娜.哈德
影像導演/剪輯: 安奴.范.伊美治特
攝影: 力克斯.蘇平堡、馬爾津.楚爾堡、嘉蓮.廸克斯卓、祖真.范德.海德
燈光設計: 提多.威爾舒特
錄音與母帶處理: 阿贊.范.阿塞爾特
英文字幕: 力克.迪.貝斯特、哈利.帕爾曼斯
英文翻譯: 利.米茲曼
Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Festival
Produced by: Netherlands Chamber Choir
Platform: Website
Synopsis: Forgotten is a theatrical concert about dementia, a rollercoaster of emotions,
captured in music and text. The show is composed of eight textual tableaux, with
words by Dutch singer-songwriter Spinvis. Forgotten tells the story of a doctor who
has treated people with dementia for years, relating the poignant, heart-warming and
amusing stories about his patients. But the doctor too becomes aware of the first
signs of dementia in himself. What previously seemed to affect others now afflicts the
person in front of us, as deterioration, confusion and despair take hold. Until we lose
him. Until he is absorbed into the sounds of the choir.
While developing the concert, its creators identified various stages and manifestations
of dementia-anxiety, hallucinations, forgetfulness, suspicion, panic, confusion and
so on. Each of these elements is assigned its own role within the production.
Scheme/ Festival: The third edition of “No Limits”
Art Form: Drama, Music
Chief Conductor: Peter Dijkstra
Actor: Arjan Ederveen
Recorder: Erik Bosgraaf
Electronics: Jorrit Tamminga
Director: Titus Tiel Groenestege
Idea and Concept: Tido Visser
Text: Spinvis
Soprano (Netherlands Chamber Choir): Annet Lans, Mónica Monteirio, Elma Dekker, Bethany Shepherd
Alto (Netherlands Chamber Choir): Elsbeth Gerritsen, Marleene Goldstein, Dorien Lievers, Åsa Olsson
Tenor (Netherlands Chamber Choir): Stefan Berghammer, William Knight, André Cruz, Mattijs Hoogendijk
Bass (Netherlands Chamber Choir): Jasper Schweppe, Andrew Hopper, Florian Just, Hans Wijers
With thanks to: Heleen Koele, Mariët Kaasschieter, Angus Mcphee, Kees Jan de Koning, Gilad Nezer
Répétiteur: Béni Csillag
Technical Producer: Jitske Weijand
Producer: Eline Langejan, Anna Hart
Image Direction/ Ediitng: Onno van Ameijde
Camera: Rieks Soepenberg, Marijn Zurburg, Carrien Dijkstra, Jochem van der Heide
Lighting Desing: Tiedo Wilschut
Audio Recording and Mastering: Arjan van Asselt
English Subtitles: Rik de Best, Harry Pallemans
English Translation: Lee Mitzman