男高音: 胡柏賢
女高音: 鍾嘉欣
美聲匯合唱小組女高音: 李俊融
美聲匯合唱小組女低音: 梁頴思
美聲匯合唱小組男低音: 張毓頴
美聲匯合唱小組童聲: 潘梓博
美聲匯合唱小組男高音: 劉礎恆
鋼琴: 曾華琛
敲擊: 唐舜菁
Nova弦樂四重奏第一小提琴: 沈庭嘉
Nova弦樂四重奏第二小提琴: 黎逸晞
Nova弦樂四重奏中提琴: 區駿熙
Nova弦樂四重奏大提琴: 潘澤然
旁白: 蕭穎心
音樂總監╱作曲╱編劇╱文本╱指揮: 柯大衛
作曲: 林沛銘
監製╱編劇: 蕭穎心
導演╱剪接: 成博民
音響工程師: 陳沛正
攝影指導: 葉雲生
編舞: 伍美宜
美術指導: 何美善
投影設計╱視覺效果: 春秋大夢
插畫: 黎螢影
投影程式員: 余沛豪
The Happy Prince
Scene 6: The Most Precious Thing
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Bel Canto Singers
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/EFF2DGx06qk
Synopsis: Based on the story of Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince, a new online adaptation of the musical by Bel Canto Singers will be launched this summer. The story between the Happy Prince and the Swallow is extracted and retold in six separate video episodes, each resplendent with interactive video projections, illustrations and visual effects, bringing us into the imaginative musical realm of the Happy Prince and the Swallow to witness their generous acts of unconditional love.
Scene 6: The Most Precious Thing
God asks one of the angels to go down to the city and bring back the most precious thing…
Series: The Happy Prince
Scheme/ Festival: WeWeWebWeb Carnival
Art Form: Music
Tenor: Joseph Wu
Soprano: Candice Chung
Soprano (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Rosanne Lee
Alto (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Susanna Leung
Bass (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Justin Cheung
Treble Voice (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Jensen Poon
Tenor (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Dennis Lau
Piano: Timmy Tsang
Percussion: Margie Tong
1st Violin (Nova String Quartet): Vivian Shen
2nd Violin (Nova String Quartet): Sean Lai
Viola (Nova String Quartet): Samuel Au
Cello (Nova String Quartet): Pun Chak-yin
Narrator: Fiona Siu
Music Director / Composer / Scriptwriter / Librettist / Conductor: David Quah
Composer: Tony Lam
Producer / Scriptwriter: Fiona Siu
Director / Video Editor: Oliver Shing
Audio Engineer: Chan Pui-ching
Director of Photography: Vincent Ip
Choreographer: Emily Ng
Art Director: Maisy Ho
Projection Design / VFX: Daaimung
Illustrator: Lai Ying-ying
Projection Programmer: Yu Pui-ho