(I) 新韻傳音
(II) 鼓舞人心
(III) 八音和鳴
The HKCO Net Festival
Presented by: Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/TMctSmhrFu0?list=PL-fYpLea3uShlHEroCnNj2CyQomA2j1t9
Synopsis: The HKCO Net Festival covers the following three areas in the main:
(I) With New Tunes, We Connect
Local composers are invited to send in new compositions using the battle against COVID-19 as the theme, to tell stories behind it, or to boost the morale of our community at such difficult times. These works are expected to open up a new vista for the future of Hong Kong.
(II) With Drums, We Hearten
Chinese drum groups are invited to send in video clips showing them in action. The uplifting drum music is expected to boost the morale of our community.
(III) Through Musicking, We Are One
All Chinese music professionals and enthusiasts – ensembles, individual performers, educators (including part-time instructors hired by schools) and freelance musicians – are invited to send in video clips showing them playing Chinese music. By sharing the wonderful sounds, we hope to bring gratification and peace of mind to all listeners and viewers.
Scheme/ Festival: Empowering Hong Kong through Chinese Music - the HKCO Net Festival
Art Form: Music