
















“Inter-PLAY”-An Interactive Experiment Between Dance and Video

Presented by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: Unlock Dancing Plaza
Platform: Website
Link: https://www.unlock.com.hk/inter-play/chi/

Synopsis: The dissipation and restriction of live performance space have been imposing challenges to dance-makers who have to shift to another media to create works in the virtual spaces, whereas dance, by its definition, is constituted by physical space, time, and movements. It does not only change the way how dance-makers choreograph, but also how the spectators to perceive the two-dimensional video works of dance. Dance video lies in the midst of video and dance, yet, it is not necessarily categorized or defined by either of them, only when it defines itself as a form that goes beyond both, could the new perspective of comprehension be recognized.

Inter-PLAY-an interactive experiment between dance and video has invited six artists, including three choreographers and three video-makers, trying to foster discourse by building up this platform to recognize and deconstruct the different relations between two forms. Inter-PLAY is used to conclude their relationship as well as their final works with the audience. Play means employing oneself in amusement, also means performing entertainment and causing a machine to produce sound or pictures, and it reflects different states and roles of the initiative. Creators in this project are encouraged to embrace curiosity and a sense of playfulness in the journey of the unknown. Interplay means exerting influence on each other, which indicates an equal and fluid relationship within the team so that there will be spaces for everyone to learn and be inspired by other members of the team.

The final dance videos of this project will be presented on an interactive website. By encouraging artists to step into spectators' shoes to design and create a unique watching experience, we hope to provide a total experience that goes beyond the audio-visual sensation. It could be done by answering a series of questions that lead to different video content or by suggesting them to watch it in the rain, basically anything that helps to complete an individual and unique watching experience of their work. In the era of overwhelming visual information in the form of videos and photos, everything can be captured and archived in this form and perhaps this is the time where we need to rethink how dance could be translated into video form and individual experience might be the key.

Scheme/ Festival: Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme
Art Form: Dance

Participating Artists: Kenneth Hui, Joseph Lee, Lee Wai Shing, Steve Li, Oliver Shing, KT Yau