她是爵士圈的女性,亦是香港少數的爵士小提琴手——本集,呂善衡 (Sharon Lui) 為大家帶來其作品《Sakura and......》,走入異鄉的奇幻夢境,伴隨5/4拍子,介紹吉普賽爵士樂 (Gypsy Jazz) 的創作。
Jazz Composers’ Lab
Episode 3: Sharon Lui|Sakura and......
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Alan Kwan
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/EenDpoXL1Z0
Synopsis: Sharon Lui, one of the few women and jazz violinists in the local jazz scene, steps into an exotic fantasy to a 5/4 signature with her composition Sakura and…… to introduce Gypsy Jazz compositions.
Series: Jazz Composers’ Lab
Scheme/ Festival: Click for Arts
Art Form: Music
Host: Alan Kwan
Guest/ Violin: Sharon Lui
Piano: Toshi Horuguchi
Drums: Dean Li
Double Bass: Jeff Lehmberg