《綜藝童賞》為你蒐羅來自各地的藝術瑰寶──維吾爾族舞蹈、奇幻魔術、鏗鏘琵琶與莫扎特名曲,濃縮而輕巧地呈現其箇中精妙。特邀新疆舞蹈家帕夏.吾曼而、亞洲近景魔術大賽冠軍 Henry Harrius 、琵琶演奏家高思嘉和指揮大師麥家樂示範演出及講解,深入淺出地引領大人小朋友一步步進入迷人的藝術世界。
Joyful Arts Series
#2 Dance at Silk Road
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Wave-Motion Production
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/ZOB7rLxD6Lw
Synopsis: In this series of shows, talents assemble an intriguing collection of performances from different cultures, including Xinjiang dances, magic, pipa (Chinese lute), and Mozart masterpieces. Adopting a compact, upbeat format, dancer Pasha Omer, Asia Magic Association Close-up Magic Contest champion Henry Harrius, pipa master Gao Sijia, and maestro Mak Ka-lok demonstrate and explain their individual techniques in easy-to-understand steps. A great introduction to the wondrous world of the arts for all ages.
#2 Dance at Silk Road
Uyghur people are known for their excellent singing and dancing skills. Xinjiang dancer Pasha Omer will perform Kashi Sainaimu, a Xinjiang dance piece, to animate both adults and children to move their neck, spring their fingers and turn their wrists together. Through the exchange of eye contact and facial expressions, they can immerse completely in the exotic Xinjiang culture.
Series: Joyful Arts Series
Scheme/ Festival: WeWeWebWeb Carnival
Art Form: Dance