朱利亞斯凱撒野心勃勃想爭奪成為銀河系中最強行星 — 羅馬星球的領袖大帝! 而他的欲望逐步威脅著整個參議院...只有凱撒最信任的軍師布魯托假裝為了羅馬的安定而加入黑暗勢力,才能夠阻止凱撒的野心行為!到底布魯托斯最終加入邪惡的黑暗勢力?還是凱撒大帝的最高將領馬克.安東尼能及時成功阻止他呢?
《凱撒大帝3030》改編自莎士比亞的著作《凱撒大帝》,是香港小莎翁帶給觀眾的全新青少年戲劇作品,由藝術總監夏頌寧改編及執導。逾四十位年齡為八至 十五歲的青少年演員、管弦樂隊、製作團隊攜手擔綱, 這場演出必能讓您讚嘆! 少年們的能力、才華及對莎劇的熱誠亦能令您嘆為觀止。
Julius Caesar 3030
Presented by: Shakespeare4All Hong Kong
Produced by: Shakespeare4All Hong Kong
Platform: YouTube
Synopsis: Julius Caesar’s ambition to be the leader of planet Rome, the most powerful planet in the galaxy, is sending warning signs through members of the Senate House. He must be stopped, and this can only happen if Brutus, his most trusted adviser can be pulled to the DARKSIDE under the guise that this mission is for the good of Rome. Will he join the DARKSIDE or will Marc Antony, Caesar’s top General stop him in time?
‘Julius Caesar 3030’ is the latest masterpiece of youth drama production brought to you in this September by Shakespeare4All and directed by Artistic Director, Shiona Carson, adapted from ‘Julius Caesar’ by William Shakespeare. With a cast, orchestra, production team and volunteers of over 40 young people of age 8 - 15, this performance promises to astound you with their ability, talent and dedication.
Art Form: Drama