聯合創作及演出: 陳旻禧、伍美宜
錄像設計: Hui Ka Chun、藝民創作
聲音設計: Edwin Lo
Kemono in time
Presented by: Working Group on Signature Projects of Tai Po District, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Produced by: Little Breath & Dojo
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/b0zBbNy-vwY
Synopsis: “Kemono in time”, a bunch of Kemono creatures. There's a hearsay that they are only active in daytime and hide themselves in an arts centre; There's a hearsay that they will turn into humans at night and hide among us; There's a hearsay that we are all “Kemono in time”……
Scheme/ Festival: Tai Po Youth Arts Festival 2021
Art Form: Dance