美聲匯以亨利.范戴克(Henry Van Dyke)的故事為藍本,創作全新線上原創音樂劇,揉合互動式影像投映、插畫與舞台視覺效果,講述尋找聖嬰的東方三博士以外,另一位鮮為人知的智者阿爾塔班。今個夏日一同見證這位智者捨己為人的美善品德。
第3集 紅寶石
男中音: 林俊
美聲匯合唱小組女高音: 司徒蒨
美聲匯合唱小組女低音: 黄靖
美聲匯合唱小組男低音: 顏嘉樂
美聲匯合唱小組童聲: 郭俊立
鋼琴: 曾華琛
敲擊: 唐舜菁
Nova弦樂四重奏第一小提琴: 沈庭嘉
Nova弦樂四重奏第二小提琴: 黎逸晞
Nova弦樂四重奏中提琴: 區駿熙
Nova弦樂四重奏大提琴: 潘澤然
音樂總監╱作曲╱編劇╱文本╱指揮: 柯大衛
監製: 蕭穎心
影像製作: 春秋大夢
導演: 成博民
執行導演: 方祺端
編舞: 伍美宜
副導演: 鄧梓健
攝影指導: 葉雲生
攝影及燈光組: 周峻民、汪習堯、羅家駒、袁運登
美術指導: 蘇善誼、王健偉
美術助手: 楊淑雯、黃靖雯
投影設計/視覺效果: 蘇秋然、成博民、呂偉森
投影程式員: 陳家濠
音響工程: 陳沛正
化妝: 黃蓉
舞台監督: 李玟蓉、范文恩
製作助理: 黃穎詩
劇照師: 蕭焯文
The Other Wise Man
#3 The Ruby
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Bel Canto Singers
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/kF3UEVHeqJw
Synopsis: Based on the story by Henry Van Dyke, Bel Canto Singers’ original musical tells the tale of Artaban, the fourth Wise Man who fails to meet up with the other three Magi to look for the newborn Jesus. Instead, Artaban spends his whole life doing good deeds, but always misses meeting Jesus throughout his years of searching. Interactive video projections offer striking visual effects to complement the score, beautifully depicting the uplifting world of altruism.
#3 The Ruby
Artaban finally arrives in Bethlehem but finds the Holy Family has fled to Egypt to escape from King Herod’s order of slaying all the newly born in the land. In order to save a baby from King Herod’s army, Artaban bribes the captain with his ruby.
Series: The Other Wise Man
Scheme/ Festival: International Arts Carnival 2021
Art Form: Music
Baritone: Albert Lim
Soprano (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Alexandra Szeto
Mezzo Soprano (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Nadia Wong
Tenor (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Henry Ngan
Bass (Bel Canto Singers Ensemble): Alex Kwok
Piano: Timmy Tsang
Percussion: Margie Tong
1st Violin (Nova Ensemble String Quartet): Vivian Shen
2nd Violin (Nova Ensemble String Quartet): Sean Lai
Viola (Nova Ensemble String Quartet): Samuel Au
Cello (Nova Ensemble String Quartet): Pun Chak-yin
Music Director / Composer / Scriptwriter / Librettist / Conductor: David Quah
Producer: Fiona Siu
Video Production: Daaimung
Director: Oliver Shing
Executive Director: Fong Ki Tuen
Choreographer: Emily Ng
Assistant Director: Michael Tang
Director of Photography: Vincent Ip
Video & Lighting Team: Silas Chow, Wang Chap Yiu, Law Ka Kui, Yuen Wan Tang
Art Directors: Ainsley So, Jan Wong
Art Assistants: Yeung Shuk Man, Wong Ching Man
Projection Design / VFX: Danny So, Oliver Shing, Wilson Lui
Projection Programmer: Gary Chan
Audio Engineer: Chan Pui Ching
Make-up Artist: Joyce Wong
Stage Managers: Olivia Li, Yan fan
Production Assistant: Natalie Wong
Still Photographer: Chris Siu