早在1970年代,不斷挑戰成規的編舞家簡寧漢(Merce Cunningham)已開始創造專供鏡頭拍攝的舞作。攝影機,不僅紀錄台上演出實況,更變成編舞家。
當Art Tech成為潮流之前,日本新媒體藝術家真鍋大度已經走得很前。例如2013年,人工智能還沒成為熱話,他便研發了一套自動交易系統,從東京證券交易所抽取買賣數據,實時轉化為互動藝術品。
導演/視覺設計: 真鍋大度(Rhizomatiks)
程式設計: 堀井哲史(Rhizomatiks)、2bit、淺井祐太(Rhizomatiks)
音樂: Hopebox
後製: 本間無量(Rhizomatiks)、清水憲一郎(PELE)
〈First movement〉: emmy、KAi MiWA、MAI KUREMOTO、Minori Manabe、MIRI、NANAKO、OMIKI、TOMOMI
服裝設計: Yae-pon
特別鳴謝: KAZUNE、Mayumi Niwa、AKIE、RISA
項目統籌: 石塚直樹(Rhizomatiks)、NON(ELEVENPLAY)、白岩洋子(ELEVENPLAY)、井上貴生(Rhizomatiks)
First movement
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Daito Manabe, ELEVENPLAY
Platform: Youtube
Link: https://youtu.be/z2QKEKci1xk
Synopsis: Ever the boundary pusher, legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham, by the 1970s, had started creating dance work specifically to be filmed. The camera was thus no mere witness to the action but a choreographer in its own right.
And long before art tech became a trend, Japanese new media auteur Daito Manabe was already miles ahead of his time. In 2013, for instance, when AI was still relatively unknown, he masterfully developed an automated trading system and transformed real-time transaction data from the Tokyo Stock Exchange into an interactive art piece.
Rhizomatiks, co-founded by Manabe and his creative partner, has a lot to be proud of: their direction of the 2016 Olympic Games closing ceremony, where choreography, dancers’ movements and perfectly-synced hardware melded into AR and projected visuals, won worldwide acclaim; they have also tailored concert effects for Japanese pop group Perfume, while working closely with the all-female dance troupe ELEVENPLAY to try out their new ideas. From hardware to software, the pair do it all — and Manabe is even learning how to dance too to be a true master of his art.
When it comes to dance work, the choreographer/dancer naturally know best. This time, ELEVENPLAY doubles as the cameraman to film their latest act with smartphones, before Rhizomatiks adds the final touch.
The viewer and the viewed — a paradox that never ceases to inspire.
Series: TONE
Scheme/ Festival: New Vision Arts Festival 2021
Art Form: Dance
Direction and Visual Programming: Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks)
Direction, Choreography and Video Editing: MIKIKO (ELEVENPLAY)
Programming: Satoshi Horii (Rhizomatiks), 2bit & Yuta Asai (Rhizomatiks)
Music: Hopebox
Composite: Muryo Homma (Rhizomatiks) & Kenichiro Shimizu (PELE)
〈First movement〉: emmy, KAi MiWA, MAI KUREMOTO, Minori Manabe, MIRI, NANAKO, OMIKI, TOMOMI
〈Second movement〉: AYUMI., KAORI, KOHMEN, MIKU, SHOKO, YU
〈Third movement〉: AKARI, decomayu, HIKARU, MARU, Miu, NAGISA, SARA, SAYA
Project Management: Naoki Ishizuka (Rhizomatiks), NON (ELEVENPLAY), Yoko Shiraiwa (ELEVENPLAY) & Takao Inoue (Rhizomatiks)