






某年某夜的香港 過去或未來……

古典音樂+芭蕾+Cyberpunk!香港管弦樂團與香港芭蕾舞團聯手推出全新短片《Amadeus(a cyberpunk dream)》,莫扎特從十八世紀奢華的歐洲穿越到充滿數碼龐克色彩的未來香港。影片由電影導演兼屢獲殊榮的服裝及美術指導張兆康執導,其參與作品包括《擺渡人》(第54屆台灣電影金馬獎最佳造型設計獎)、《花椒之味》(第39屆香港電影金像獎最佳美術指導獎)、《激戰》和《一念無明》等。




誠邀大家與莫扎特踏上不一樣的奇幻冒險之旅!香港芭蕾舞團在今個星期五及六更會在香港管弦樂團《莫扎特與芭蕾 | 王致仁的拉威爾》音樂會作特別演出,為大家帶來集音樂與舞蹈於一身的藝術盛宴。







Amadeus (a cyberpunk dream)

Presented by: Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Produced by: Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Platform: Facebook, YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/8C0zKNJ0A8M

Synopsis: one night in Hong Kong sometime in the past...
...or in the future

Classical Music + Ballet + Cyberpunk! Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Hong Kong Ballet proudly present a new short film, Amadeus (a cyberpunk dream), which depicts Mozart’s futuristic journey from the classical era to a psychedelic urbanscape in frenetic Hong Kong. The project was helmed by award-winning film director and production designer Ahong Cheung, best known for See You Tomorrow (Best Makeup and Costume Design, 54th Golden Horse Awards) and Fagara (Best Art Direction, 39th Hong Kong Film Awards).

With a modern take on Mozart’s mesmerising Eine kleine Nachtmusik by the HK Phil and whimsical choreography from HKB’s Artistic Director Septime Webre, vibrant dancers and captivating musicians transform the streets of Hong Kong into a mysterious, exciting universe.

A disoriented Mozart finds himself in retro-futuristic Hong Kong one night pursued by ominous authority figures. Decked out in flamboyant costumes, cyber-goth gangsters, mahjong players, street musicians, construction workers and pedestrians mill about the bustling streets of SoHo.

Drawing upon Hong Kong’s inspiring cyberpunk legacy, the short film salutes the city with an eclectic mix of imaginative costumes, sets and special effects. With this film, we would like to revive the city virtually and to pay homage to its famous neon light aesthetics and renowned cinematic style.

Join us on this outrageous out-of-this-world adventure, and experience Mozart in a completely new way by watching the film and coming to the concert this Friday and Saturday! Hong Kong Ballet will make a special appearance in the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra's Mozart en pointe | Chiyan Wong’s Ravel Concert.

Art Form: Dance, Music