《明日陽光燦爛》的英國演員Bill Aitchison在思考如何可以把網上的表演變成雙向互動。他在中國大陸武漢肺炎疫情嚴峻時,透過網上招募了美國英國和中國各地共七位演員,分別與他們創作和排練共七齣半小時的表演,然後進行網上的演出,每場演出只有一個觀眾。演員和觀眾在虛擬空間演戲看戲,而演員和觀眾就可以作出互動。這個叫做《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》是一個成功的試驗,它的一對一的做法是親蜜互動,在疫情中卻更顯昂貴。
我們今次嘗試的是在《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 七個演出中選了一個,演員是來自中國大陸的徐銳,她從英國Central School of Speech & Drama獲取碩士學位,作品曾在上海、北京、台灣及倫敦發表。是次的演出中她不會說話,以互動遊戲開始,然後以文字述說失去她的貓兒及種種的遺失。我們找了香港的莫穎詩做Rae的觀眾。
Love in the time of Corona
Presented by: Centre For Community Cultural Development
Platform: Facebook
Synopsis: During the pandemic, British artist Bill Aitchison thought about how to turn unidirectional online performances into two-way. He created “Love in the Time of Corona”, which involved seven performances each with only one actor and one audience, acting and watching on a virtual platform during the COVID-19 crisis in China. We invited one of the actors, Rae Xu from China, and Vinci Mok from Hong Kong to be Rae’s audience. In this performance, Rae would start with an interactive game without speaking, describing the loss of her cat and any other things through words.
Scheme/ Festival: ARTS for Resilience Online Festival
Art Form: Drama
Performer: Rae Xu
Audience: Vinci Mok