Circus for Cheerful Christmas
Episode 1
Presented by: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Produced by: Hong Kong Circus
Platform: YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/f_XH728DQ9I
Synopsis: The story takes place in a village in Finland. It is said that the Star of Bethlehem on the Christmas tree points the way for people who have gone astray. One day, a naughty reindeer accidentally breaks it, leaving the whole village in darkness. The antlers of the reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh have also lost their magic power! So they look into the crystal ball for clues of resolution, and it tells them they need to go to the highest part of the snow-capped mountains to absorb the northern lights in order to bring light back to the village. Will they succeed in their mission and make the Star of Bethlehem shine again?
This is a series of five episodes featuring circus entertainment such as fire stunts, acrobatics, dance, hula hoop acts and aerial action. They will take you into the fascinating world of reindeer country!
Series: Circus for Cheerful Christmas
Scheme/ Festival: Click for Arts
Art Form: Drama, Dance