下個月花好音樂廳將會搬遷,多謝各位過去6年嘅支持。喺呢度我哋舉辦咗唔同類型嘅小演出及工作坊,亦透過音樂認識咗好多朋友。我哋搬遷後很可能只能保留教學及工作坊等活動,再難以有小型演出了! 在這之前,想邀請大家參與我哋喺舊址嘅最後一場音樂會,而形式會係網上直播!
Presented by: Flower Music
Produced by: Flower Music
Platform: Facebook
Synopsis: Our music venue – Flower Music 10 will be relocated to a new place in June.
Thank you for your support in the past 6 years. We are looking forward to meeting you all again in the new place! Before turning to a new page, we would like to invite you all to join our last gig online!
Art Form: Music
Line up: Yin, Rod Chui, Vincent Lau, Almond Yeung, Chan Kam Ming, Raoul Chan, Ivy Hung, Cristie Lam