Magic is a miracle? No, it's an illusion.
編劇: 龍文康
導演: 盧智燊
佈景設計: 王健偉
服裝設計: 蘇善誼
燈光設計: 黃宇恒
作曲: 賴映彤
音響設計: 温新康
演員: 梁仲恆、陳琳欣、袁浩楊、朱栢謙、伍潔茵、朱勇、廖國堯、白清瑩、劉雨寧、劉仲軒、李妮珊、蔡蕙琪、阮瀚祥、蘇振維
製作經理: 許肇麟
舞台監督: 黃子晉
執行舞台監督: 梁芷凝
助理舞台監督: 黎文熙
道具主管: 黃祖耀
影音主管: 譚家榮
製作電機師: 李蔚心
燈光控制員: 張詠彤
燈光技術員: 鄭梓榮
現場混音師: 陳凱琳
服裝主任: 黎樂欣
服裝助理: 朱桂玲、李夢西
監製: 李淑君
助理監製: 趙蔚霖、鄧藹玲、葉嘉琪
市場推廣: 何翠盈、麥曉彤、李嘉雯
宣傳平面設計: HOYIN@MUD
錄像拍攝及直播: Tonemusic Productions Limited
Pa Pa Magician
Presented by: Chung Ying Theatre Company
Produced by: Chung Ying Theatre Company
Platform: Facebook, YouTube
Link: https://youtu.be/nJi9nXIAO68
Synopsis: Magic is a miracle? No, it's an illusion.
Magic is to turn illusion to reality, not from reality to fantasy. We thought it was real, eventually it is a misunderstanding of the illusion…
A father, an excellent magician in town and the leader of his family, always creates before his audience and family an impossible wonder one after another. The magician father disappears after performing in a big magic show that rockets him to fame, leaving his wife and three children to barely keep the wolf from the door.
The elder son, who has inherited a love for magic from his father, decides to participate in a magic competition after the death of his mother. One day, the father suddenly appears in front of the children, bringing a glimmer of hope to the family. The elder son rockets to fame by vanishing the renowned landmark “Statue of Leader” during the competition, sending panic to the town. He was arrested for the magic, but the whereabouts of “Statue of Leader” is still a mystery. Meanwhile, the magician father disappears without a trace again…
Award-winning playwright Farmer Hong and Chung Ying’s Assistant Artistic Director Edmond Lo work together again in this play after The Big Big Day and Go Go Ghost. The original scheduled performances at Hong Kong Cultural Centre have been cancelled due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease. The play will now be presented and broadcast live on Facebook in the form of reader’s theatre.
Could magic bring wonder to this “home”?
Art Form: Drama
Playwright: Farmer Hong
Director: Edmond Lo
Set Designer: Jan Wong
Costume Designer: Ainsley So
Lighting Designer: Bert Wong
Composer: Lai Ying Tong
Sound Designer: Wan San Hong
Cast: Leung Chung Hang, Belinda Chan, Yuen Ho Yeung, Chu Pak Him, Cecilia Ng, Chu Yung, Liu Kwok Yiu, Pak Ching Ying, Nicole Liu, Lau Chung Hin, Li Ni Shan, Kay Choi, Sunday Yuen, Ray So